Why FAPURE? The answer is simple! We want to connect conscious women with themselves and each other worldwide. We like fashion, make-up, and so on. But we are very eco- conscious. We also want to support women in their journey to express themselves in a special way that fit their style, lifestyle, and life choices. It’s not only the nail polish you’re wearing, or a headscarf, or a skirt with matching shoes, NO, it is about taking back their autonomy how they choose to present themselves to the world. We are inspired by women who discovered their authentic identity. Each color is an expression of how we feel, and how we want to be seeing. Every woman needs to feel unique, special and most of all authentic. Her heart is the center of her life. She laughs and shines because that’s how she will manifest everything in her life. With our products this woman can be confident.
In a world where all information is available consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the halal phenomenon. This is a growing trend within: health, nutrition, sports and the field of cosmetics. The fact that a Muslim is aware of eating halal food is nothing new. However, halal is not only limited to what you eat, but also to what you put on your face, skin, hair and nails. So we gave birth to FAPURE, because modest wear is a revolution.
Halal Certificate
We are officially certified as a halal brand by Hafsa. Our company and products are succesfully audited to meet the requirements in accordance with the Islamic law.